Video Block

video block icon

Use the Video Block to add a YouTube or Vimeo video to your website. When using Add Media, enter the URL for your video, adjust the imported name if necessary, and use Save to add the video to your Media Library.

  • Videos in the Media Library are available for use across your site
  • The Video Title and Description will display beneath your video to provide additional context for users

Video Block Example

Below is an example of the video block being used on this page.

Tips and Tricks

  • Host on a Video Platform: Upload your videos to a reliable video hosting platform, such as YouTube or Vimeo. Use the video URL from these sites to easily embed and add the video to your website.Use High-Quality Videos: Ensure your videos are of high quality to maintain a professional appearance and improve viewer engagement.
  • Optimize Video Titles and Descriptions: Use clear and engaging titles and descriptions to provide context and attract viewers.
  • Choose the Right Thumbnail: Select an eye-catching thumbnail to encourage clicks. Thumbnails are often the first impression viewers get.
  • Keep SEO in Mind: Use relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions to improve search engine visibility.

Building With Blocks

This resource will help you understand the Blocks available and how to use them to make your content shine.

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