Community Spotlight: Enterprise Monitoring

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

When the Enterprise Monitoring team set out to rebuild their site on the new YaleSites platform, they took advantage of visuals and features that enhance engagement and provide a smoother user experience. The result is a website that allows users to access and understand Enterprise Monitoring services better than ever before.

According to Elena Masotta, Business Systems Analyst, ITS, the platform has not only been beneficial to the Enterprise Monitoring team but also to the community they support.

The site is meant to provide detailed support and external resource information about the services we offer to our users. We have a large amount of sub-pages that must fall under one overarching page in the main menu. With the new mega-menu feature, users can easily tell when a menu item has sub-pages, thanks to the arrow to the left of the title, and the sub-pages are shown in a concise yet clear manner.

Elena Masotta, Business Systems Analyst, ITS

An example of the mega menu in action

The Mega Menu allows users to quickly navigate the depth and breadth of support content provided by Enterprise Monitoring.

Elena and the team also felt that the calendar of events option was useful, as it allows them to showcase their quarterly calls clearly in a list. In addition, the team took advantage of Block options to highlight key calls to action and enhance user engagement.

Visit the Enterprise Monitoring site to see an example of how the mega menu can help organize content in an intuitive manner that supports users.

Building Your Menu

Learn the ins and outs of the menu system

The YaleSites platform features a new process for building and maintaining menus. We’ve moved away from hover-based interactions and streamlined the navigational approach to offer visitors a consistent and accessible experience across all sites, devices, and platforms.

Our live training will help you understand how the YaleSites menus work and how to combine them with wayfinding tactics to ensure users can easily navigate your YaleSite.

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Tips and tricks: Mega Menu link text

The Mega Menu makes it easy for users to explore large sites. Links are organized and displayed in columns within the dropdown, meaning users won’t have to expand multiple levels to reach their destination. Even better, each dropdown includes a heading and a customizable call to action.

the mega menu includes a customizable call to action

We used “Academics at Yale” as our Mega Menu Top Level Link Text to help users understand what they can expect to find when visiting the Study page.

By default, the Mega Menu Top Level Link Text combines “Explore” with your Menu Link Title, but you have the flexibility to customize the text. If your landing page offers specific content or features, use this call to action to help your users understand what they can expect to find when they follow the link.

  • What are users trying to achieve when visiting your website? Your link text should help guide users through their journey.
  • Try to keep your call to action short and user-friendly.
  • When in doubt, have colleagues review your link text to ensure it is descriptive enough to be helpful.

We encourage you to take the time to personalize your Mega Menus. It’s an easy way to create an inviting and informative navigation experience for your audience.