Community Spotlight: Yale Visitor Center

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

How do you say “Welcome to Yale” before a visit? Engage visitors before they even step foot in New Haven with an attractive, informative website that encourages exploring the campus and the city.

According to Andrea MacAdam, Director, Digital Strategy, the platform enabled a switch to a more visual communication approach that has garnered rave reviews.

The new YaleSites offering allowed us to swiftly and easily rebuild the Yale Visitor Center website, transforming it from a static, text-heavy site to a more dynamic, visually-rich vehicle tailored to the center’s key audiences. We’ve received so much positive feedback since it launched, and we couldn’t be happier with both the authoring experience and the front-end results.

Andrea MacAdam, Director, Digital Strategy

Yale's bulldog mascot Handsome Dan smiling from inside his doghouse in the visitor center

Visitors to the Meet our Mascot page are welcomed by an engaging Grand Hero Block featuring video of Handsome Dan.

The new YaleSites provides a platform that helps illustrate Yale’s appeal – from the historical impact of the university to its stunning architecture and explains the availability of various tour types, including private group tours. It also highlights the best that New Haven has to offer in dining, shopping, entertainment, recreation, and upcoming events.

In addition to helpful tips and resources for an enjoyable visit, the site features a fun introduction to everyone’s favorite university mascot, Handsome Dan. Campus visitors can even access a calendar of Handsome Dan’s public appearances or request his attendance at an event!

Visit the Yale Visitor Center website to see a great example of how the new YaleSites platform can help tell a story and reflect the tradition of Yale excellence.

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Detail of numbers carved into Maya Lin's Women's Table sculpture

Tips and tricks: Using Custom Cards

Andrea and her team took advantage of the flexibility baked into the Custom Cards Block to help guide users through the Yale Visitor Center website and beyond. 

example of custom cards usage

Custom Cards require a link, but can be used with or without images and summaries. This example demonstrates how their appearance adapts to the content provided.

Use the Custom Card Block when you need to create a collection of easy-to-scan, visually engaging pathways to additional content. This Block can help guide visitors deeper into your website or connect your audience to external resources.

  • Consider Custom Cards when you need to boost wayfinding on your YaleSite
  • Use elements like images and summaries consistently for each Card Item in a collection

Though the Visitor Center used images in their Custom Cards, there may be better choices for your content. Don’t worry if you don’t have photos for your Custom Cards — they’re eye-catching even without images.