Hiding Page Titles in YaleSites

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Use a banner block like the Action Banner or the Hero Banner on your homepage to elevate a mission-critical call to action. To keep the homepage focused, you can also set your Banner blocks heading as a H1 title for your page page.

Using a Banner Block as an H1

How it works

While in Layout Builder:

  • Go to the design options for your Block and set the Heading Level to “H1”
  • Select Configure for your page title and change the Title Display to “Hide Title”

After saving, the extraneous title is hidden, and the Banner Region Block’s title is now your page’s H1.

Need to hide a Page Title on a page without an Action Banner or Grand Hero? Choose “Visually Hidden.” This ensures that your page’s H1 remains accessible to assistive technology and search engines.

View this in action

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