Step 3. Build your new site
Development vs. Production sites
When you first receive your new site, it will still be in its development, or “dev” state. A dev site is not findable on the internet and is not indexed by search engines, which provides a private place to build your site.
Your dev site will have a unique and obscure URL ( to differentiate it from your live site (
When work on your site is complete and you are ready to make your site public, you can submit a “Go Live” request, which will create a Production, or “prod” version of your site. This is the version of your site available to the general public. You can read more about the launch process for your site in Step 4: Launching your new site.
Once your site has been built and live, a dev site is not needed for publishing further content changes. Routine content changes or additions can be performed directly on your production site. Staging content changes in dev and publishing with a go-live request should be reserved for major content changes or site rebuilds. However, the dev environment will continue to be available to you if needed. If your dev site becomes out-of-date in relation to your live site, you can submit a “Refresh my Yalesite” request to bring it up to date with the state of your production site.